Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Journey Begins - 101 Cult Movies To Watch

So from today I am disabling all of those online games I play (and am probably addicted to). Including Farmville and other Zynga games... They take up far too much time (although I do like trying to breed pink pony foals and collecting exotic breeds of cats) and I need that time to write. And I have promised myself that I will write EVERY day. Even if it's "I cannot write" over and over on a piece of paper, a letter, whatever I will write. I'm not making it a New Year's resolution, just a lifestyle decision (the difference between going on a "diet" and deciding to make healthy food decisions).

Although I have a couple of novels in my head, I also enjoy projects - big and small. I was in Borders today and came across a book on sale "101 Cult Movies You Must See Before You Die" general editor Steven Jay Schneider. I love movies (I've been to the last two 24 hour Incredibly Strange movie marathons - thanks Dave!) - I watch a lot and also volunteered for a couple of festivals this year and will do the same next year so the book got picked up and put in my bag.

But then I thought, what if I watch all of these movies from now and through next year and write about them? I've got lots of people who'd want to watch with me (in spirit or with me), I could have a couple of my own mini-marathons and it'd be a great writing project. I think I might even be able to convince my brother who is the ultimate movie buff, to get involved with this project too... we went through the list of movies together and he owns 25 of them which is no small feat when some of them are quite obscure!

There are sure to be challenges - firstly locating all of the movies, finding the time each week to watch 2 (that's what it needs to work out to on average), making sure I sit down and watch each movie from start to end and then writing about it. Also, I'm someone who starts a project with a hiss and a roar and great gusto but doesn't always finish, so I'll need to keep real and honest about this, but I can do it. I may even start tonight!

Overall, I expect some hillarity, better writing and a broadened movie horizon.

Wish me luck!



  1. I love this idea Nikki, and I enjoy reading your posts as you have a very lovely writing style which flows effortlessly!

    I am interested too in your challenge to write as well as the 101 Cult movie challenge. I have so many ideas for things I would like to write, and one major one which has kept surfacing for about 10 years now and I just can't seem to get started on it. I think I might take your lead and write a little each day no matter what it is!

    I look forward to buying one of your books one day soon (Maybe I could get it signed by the author?) :)

    xoxo Carla

  2. Hi Nikki - thanks for leaving a comment on my blog (and on Fandor, at least I think it was you). Hope you enjoy your project, you have a lot of great movies to look forward to. And yes, it beats Zynga for sure! I'll try to keep tabs on your progress.

